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VirtualBox : Create a Virtual Machine#2
If you installed Desktop Environment, it's possible to create Virtual Machines on GUI. This example shows to install Windows Server 2012 R2 on GUI.
[1] Start [Applications] - [System Tools] - [Oracle VM VirtulBox].
[2] Click "New" button which is on upper-left.
[3] Select the OS type for Virtual Machine.
[4] Specify amount of memory for Virtual Machine.
[5] It's the settings for disks of Virtual Machine. This example shows to select "Create a virtual hard disk now".
[6] Specify the type of Virtual hard disk. This example shows to select "VDI".
[7] Specify the type of growing for Virtual hard disk. This example shows to select "Dynamically allocated".
[8] Specify amount of Virtual hard disk.
[9] Configuration wizard finished. For initial booting of VM, it's necessarry to install OS, so click "Settings" button to specify installation media.
[10] Select "Storage" on the left menu and click DVD icon on the right pane.
[11] Specify installation media.
[12] Back to main menu and click "Start" button to start Virtual Machine.
[13] Virtual Machine started.
[14] Installation has finished and Virtual Machine is running.